Mooney Fine Mineral
6 Month Gift Subscription To The Mooney Fine Mineral of the Month Club
This is a one time purchase for 3 months of the Mooney Fine Mineral of the Month Club. This subscription rolls out from the start of the purchase, and goes for 3 months. This is for the full 3 months and people who receive this receive all of the benefits of the one month subscription: Entry in the monthly drawing, a curated mineral shipped between the 5th and 10th of each month, a write up, exclusive discounts, and more.
If you want a custom gift message then reply to your confirmation email and I will make sure one is sent with your order.
The cost is 90.00 USD and shipping is uncluded. There is an additional charge for international
Bringing you a unique gem/mineral/fossil specimen once a month! You will receive a specimen, a specimen card, as well as a small write up on that specimen. Sometimes the specimens will be small, sometimes they will be larger, but they will always be the best quality I can find to allow you to start or continue your own unique collection.
If you want more information, check out this video: